VRM temperature missing (ASUS Z370 Prime-A), old version works


New Member

yesterday i did a clean install of Windows 10 2004. Since this the temperature of the voltage vegulator module is missing in HWiNFO. I am using version 6.26-4160.
Before it was shown under "CPU [#0]: Intel Core i9-9900K: Enhanced".

Ok, i habe noticed that version 6.20 works fine. The problem must be within the new version.



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I am not fully sure this is related, I won't open another topic unless necessary, but the MOS (most likely VRM temps) are missing from the latest Beta on my MSI Z370 Gaming Plus too. On the 6.24 stable version the MOS temps are there.
Lemme know if you need logs of debug. I assume since we know which version works and which does not you'll likely be able to spot where the issues is.
Please try the latest Beta version 6.27-4190 and let me know if the issue persists there too.
The problem with VR VCC in OP should be fixed in the Beta.
Missing MOS sensor seems to be something else. Please attach the HWiNFO Debug File (with sensors) from latest Beta so I can check that.
The problem with VR VCC in OP should be fixed in the Beta.
Missing MOS sensor seems to be something else. Please attach the HWiNFO Debug File (with sensors) from latest Beta so I can check that.
Thanks, let me know if you need anything else.


Thanks, let me know if you need anything else.

This is strange, it should be showing the "MOS" temperature. Are you sure the value is not hidden? Can you please attach a screenshot of the sensors window showing the Nuvoton section?
This is strange, it should be showing the "MOS" temperature. Are you sure the value is not hidden? Can you please attach a screenshot of the sensors window showing the Nuvoton section?
Beta and Stable screeshots, thanks!


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But now VCCSA voltage is missing from the latest beta 4195 on Asus z490 TUF WiFi (and it was missing on the previous beta).

What about the missing EC sensors?
I just tried reverting to 6.20. I get the voltage regulator temps, but I do not get VCCSA or VCCIO. I will try installing 6.26 and see what I get (on this Asus z490 TUF wifi)

EDIT: Just tried and on 6.20 there was no EC and no VCCIO or VCCSA. On 6.26 I get voltage regulator, I also get VCCIO and VCCSA, but no EC.
TUF GAMING Z490-PLUS doesn't have an EC sensor and doesn't support VCCSA monitoring.
Thanks Martin! So 6.26 is showing VCSSA (2.0v, which cannot be true, I think). Does this mean it's incorrect, right?
I need to ask for help again. The vrm temperature value is missing sometimes and then i need to restart hwinfo several times to get it back.