Weird Glitch


I normally keep the sensors open in a small window on the desktop focused on the GPU readings. Scrolled up on the screen and noticed some very strange maximum readings for the CPU. Apparently sometime in the last 24 - 48 hours my Phenom II X6 1100T Black edition processor hit what must be a record for an air cooled CPU. The attached screen capture shows the anomaly. IDK what may have happened, there's nothing strange in the Windows event logs. Maybe it got zapped by a stray cosmic ray.


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I suppose you mean the maximum CPU clocks, right ?
This is certainly a glitch in measuring the clock, especially bus clock (max=309), which is invalid. You might disable "Periodic polling" of "CPU Clock Measurement" in main HWiNFO settings to avoid such glitches.
Martin said:
I suppose you mean the maximum CPU clocks, right ?
This is certainly a glitch in measuring the clock, especially bus clock (max=309), which is invalid. You might disable "Periodic polling" of "CPU Clock Measurement" in main HWiNFO settings to avoid such glitches.

Yes. Hopefully it is just some sort of software glitch on the system and not a sign that a piece of hardware is getting ready to bite the dust. I think for now, I'll just do a restart and keep watch.