Any info/update yet on Corsair's PSU Support?


Well-Known Member
I do own a AX860i and a H110i my H110i is showing correctly and monitors fine.

But my AX860i not, I read that you (author) couldn't figure out the Protocol for the USB Dongle yet right? Are you any closer? Or do you need help? 

In either case, please report back!
Yes, that's right. Currently the AX-series are supported only when connected via Corsair Link.
We have implementation of the USB-dongle protocol that should work, but the problem is the firmware doesn't respond to our requests.
We are still working on this and believe there's just some little trick needed, because we have the entire protocol already.
I hope that this will be solved soon, but can't promise when exactly...
Martin said:
Yes, that's right. Currently the AX-series are supported only when connected via Corsair Link.
We have implementation of the USB-dongle protocol that should work, but the problem is the firmware doesn't respond to our requests.
We are still working on this and believe there's just some little trick needed, because we have the entire protocol already.
I hope that this will be solved soon, but can't promise when exactly...

The AXi 860 only has a COMM Port (not "COM1 Serial", its just called COM), afaik the 1200W one has a USB Port, but mine (860) for sure doesn't, so I assume that means I can't connect mine the "Corsair Link" way, right?

But anyway, as previously mentioned if you need a beta tester or anything just mention it, I'm willing to try it out. I really want that feature, would be very nice to monitor my System usage/efficiency and PSU temperature in HWInfo :)
Thanks for the beta testing offer, I'll surely post a beta build once we found the trick...
Martin said:
Thanks for the beta testing offer, I'll surely post a beta build once we found the trick...

No problem! I'll desperately wait :P Hope you find the trick soon! And thanks for your info & replies!
We have finally made a break-through here, you can expect a new build for direct-connected AXi series soon ;)
Build 2730 just released adds support of these series.
Please note, that we haven't performed extensive testing yet and the protocol seems sometimes wonky.
I uninstalled the Corsair Link software, but there is also a "Corsair Link USB Dongle (Driver Removal)" option.
Should I uninstall that also, or is it the USB portion required for communication?


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Firstly, thank you for doggedly pursuing the issue. :)

Initial blush shows HWiNFO importing the AX1200i data correctly on my system:

Question 1 of 2:
I have removed the Link software (Link USB & Corsair Keyboard software remain), but continue to get the Sensor Warning at startup.
Is that the intended mode and I just need to select the "Don't show this warning again" option?

Question 2 of 2:
Under the power tab, Link shows an Efficiency value. Is this not available to HWiNFO?



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Thanks for the feedback, I'm happy that it works :)

1. Yes, that's intended behavior. HWiNFO doesn't check whether the Corsair Link Software is installed or not and shows that warning always until disabled by user.

2. The PSU efficiency is not a truly measured value, but calculated using some weird estimations taking certain input values and *%!$#+/ constants, which are different for each PSU model. Thus I'm not sure if/how accurate this information is, so I have decided not to report it.
Great news on the AXi support, I've been having to make do with parsing log files for a while now to get data to Rainmeter.

I've got the latest beta and have run into an issue, but I'm not sure if this is a bug in HWiNFO or the Rainmeter plugin.

The Temperature1 and PSU Total Power values (possibly others too) are periodically jumping between the correct value and single digits (typically 1 or 0). This however isn't mirrored in the HWiNFO Sensor Status page.  The lower red line in the Rainmeter skin in the screenshot has a timeline of around 2 minutes, so it happens quite frequently.

I think this is because HWiNFO occasionally fails to read correct values - this protocol unfortunately seems very erratic and unstable.
I'll release a new build of HWiNFO later today in the hope to stabilize this - it will require more testing.
Martin said:
So here another build in attempt to get the Corsair protocol more stable for AXi/HXi direct-connected PSUs:
Please let me know how it works...

Happy New Year! ;)

All still working perfectly fine in hw64_511_2734 for me, just like in hw64_511_2731 :)! Thanks Martin!

For others: I have Corsair Link Installed, I removed nothing, (I do not run it though, that would cause issues if you did.)

On the Hardware side, check my signature, I run a brand new SkyLake setup.
Thanks for the feedback.
FYI - the difference I made is to make the readout faster with less errors, so it's not visible on the sensors screen, only in the DBG file.
Unfortunately the values are still jumping around, however no more or less than with build 2730. Happy to test other builds for you to get this one ironed out, and if you like I can create a thread in the bug reports section for more visibility to others.

Thanks for all the hard work!
Crysto said:
Unfortunately the values are still jumping around, however no more or less than with build 2730.  Happy to test other builds for you to get this one ironed out, and if you like I can create a thread in the bug reports section for more visibility to others.

Thanks for all the hard work!

Can you please attach a new Debug File made using the latest build ?
And here another build to test:
Please let me know the result...
That link is dead now but it looks like the latest build (5.12-2740) has fixed this issue! I've attached the debug file in case it's of any help.
Yes, I have pulled that build because of a new full build that contains the same fix.
Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad that it's working now properly.