Change graph background color


New Member

Greatings from CROATIA and sorry about english writings errors in text, its my 3rd language :)

Ok, I'm civil engineer and this program is just something that I need for a long long time (use Riva tuner and Aida64 before...)
Now, to the just a little problem, in earlier versions there was a litle color square to change displayed graph color, and now
this is available when u right click on graph and then u can choose series,background and grid color.

But when i click on either one nothing happens, i can't change it, and there is no option in layout properties to do this.
Is there any way to change thos color I monitor about 6 graphs when i Render in Blender or Lumion to check temp's and other values.

And one more question, I use custom build watercooling from EKWB, can I, on eny way check coolant temp if my ASUS mainboard have pin input
for this sensor.

Thanks girls and guys and have a nice working weekend :)

And once more sorry about any grammars, I dont like to use translators or AI inputed text :D

Stojan G.
Are you maybe using the ASUS ROG theme in HWiNFO?
If yes, then graph colors cannot be changed (ASUS requirement), so you will have to disable the ROG theme (in main settings of HWiNFO) in order to change colors.

Custom thermal sensors on ASUS boards should be well supported in HWiNFO.

Greetings from Slovakia, Croatia is a frequent summer destination for us ;)
Hi Martin,

Thanks for fast response, ROG theme was the problem.
Thank U.

Who knows, maybe we will meet one summer :)
