Corsair AXi Sensor group sometimes missing until restarting HWI


I have a Corsair AX1200i and monitor PSU power in a Rainmeter gadget, I often notice (perhaps every 3 restarts) no reading coming from that sensor, and until restarting HWI it is missing from the sensors page. I have not seen it fail to find the sensor once restarting, however.
I do not have Corsair link installed, only Apps & Features I can see to uninstall from Corsair are 'Corsair Hydro Series 7289 USB Device, and Corsair Link(TM) USB Dongle.
If you're automatically starting HWiNFO with Windows then the problem might be because HWiNFO is started too early.
Try to go into Windows Task Scheduler and raise the "Delay task for" setting.
I gave that a go, setting it to a 30sec delayed start however it still seems to happen intermittently. I was able to get it to happen while debug mode was enabled, so I've attached the .dbg file.


Thanks. According to the Debug File the Corsair device seems to be present, but any attempt to communicate with it ends with an error saying it's not found.
Perhaps 30 seconds is not enough in this case..
I've tried now both 30sec and 1min, and still intermittently have the issue. However if I restart HWI as soon as it's launched (and isn't reading PSU values) it will correctly read them. I've attached another .dbg file in case it helps.

It's possible the shared memory feature could be causing this, as the data is be being read by both Rainmeter and Aquasuite, but this is just a blind guess.


My Corsair fan still stops every time HWi starts. I have a new piece of hardware I'm going to try next week to see if I can get that to stop, but I never did find the answer.
In case of such problems and if you have the CorsairLink software running too, you will either need to disable the CorsairLink software, or entire Corsair support in HWINFO via a new option in the latest Beta version called "CorsairLink and Asetek Support".
This is because Corsair has decided that they will not support running CorsairLink software with any other monitoring tool. It would be a simple change for them to support this and we communicated with them for several months regarding this. Initially they started to work on this simple (synchronization) feature, which they however didn't implement properly and it caused even more problems. Then, instead of fixing it, they decided to completely remove the synchronization with other tools.......