Determine which SATA port i have 3Gbps or 6Gbps?

I have Acer Aspire 5749 (Core i3-2330M CPU) laptop and these days i want to replace my Western Digital 320GB Hard Drive with some SSD to speed up my system, the problem i am in is...

I am unable to determine exactly if this laptop has SATA 6Gbps port or SATA 3Gbps port, the Hard Drive is 3Gbps (yes, i know).
Rule: Any SATA 6Gbps port become 3Gbps if attached Hard drive is 3Gbps, i.e.  transfer speed depends upon hardware we attach,

"HW INFO" says that this system support 6Gbps speed so i want you to verify which SATA port this laptop has 3Gbps or 6Gbps, don't forget to check screenshot for more details.
Reply ASAP !



  • HW_info.png
    214.7 KB · Views: 19
Your SATA controller is 6.0 Gbps capable and 2 ports (our of 6 possible) are 6.0 Gbps capable too (the others 3.0 Gbps).
I believe the 2 ports that are currently used/available should be those 6.0 Gbps capable, but just to be sure check your notebooks manual.
That manual doesn't specify it. If you don't find one which describes SATA properties, I'd assume they are 6 Gbps capable.
I'd assume all are 6 Gb/s, but regardless of that, if you put the ssd in, it will be a lot faster anyway, even if that specific port does not put out the 6gb.