Display network activity (Upload/Download)



I've only recently started using HWiNFO (great program BTW :heart:) with the HWiNFO monitor gadget and I was wondering: is there a way to display network activity (upload / download)?

Do I need a 3rd-party plug-in for that? If so, where do I get it?


Sorry for the noob question.
This feature is not supported yet.
It's on my to-do list, but I cannot give you an estimate when this might be implemented.
Martin said:
This feature is not supported yet.
It's on my to-do list, but I cannot give you an estimate when this might be implemented.

I see. Well, take your time.

Thanks for replying.

You might try Networx. It is a fantastic app, dedicated to just what you are asking for. There are others but I settled on that one.

PhotM said:

You might try Networx. It is a fantastic app, dedicated to just what you are asking for. There are others but I settled on that one.


Thanks for the suggestion but I already have something to that effect (Network Meter gadget). I was just hoping to have it all in HWiNFO :P
This feature will be added in the next version released ;) For Windows Vista and later system only.
Currently I can display: actual DL/UP transfer rate (in KB/s) and total amount of DL/UP (in MB) for each network adapter.
I don't know yet how to report utilization in %, so I hope the current information is sufficient...