GPU: EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra - Third Fan Sensor mismatch and under WHEA


New Member
Steps to Replicate:
1. Boot up system with EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra Gaming with BIOS switch set to Normal (not OC)
2. Launch HWiNFO64
3. Look for GPU fan entries in sensor list under GPU [#0]: NVIDIA GeForce 3080
4. Look for GPU fan entries elsewhere.

Expected Result:
All 3 GPU fans would appear under GPU [#0]: NVIDIA GeForce 3080, like other apps like EVGA Precision X1 report them.
GPU Fan names for RPM and PWM sensors would be consistent with each other.

Actual Result:
2 out of 3 GPU fans appear under GPU [#0]: NVIDIA GeForce 3080. 1 GPU fan appears under Windows Hardware Errors (WHEA).
GPU Fan names are "GPU Fan1", "GPU Fan2", and "GPU Right Fan" for their RPM and PWM (%) sensors.
See screenshot of HWiNFO and NVIDIA Inspector below with attached report CSV and DBG files.




This is because you have deactivated the "Fixed order" in sensor settings/layout.
If you don't use a custom order of sensor items, enable that option back. You might also want to do a "Restore Original Order".
This is because you have deactivated the "Fixed order" in sensor settings/layout.
If you don't use a custom order of sensor items, enable that option back. You might also want to do a "Restore Original Order".
Thank you - I have done those things, and there is still some unexpected behavior, but perhaps these are limitations of NVIDIA and/or EVGA related drivers?

While 3rd fan is passive, note the second "NVIDIA" section on the right for EVGA ICX that has no third fan:

After fan becomes not-passive, "GPU Right Fan" appears:

If this is unexpected, let me know if you want logs.
That's expected as if the fan is not spinning when HWiNFO starts it's not shown because it's not possible to know if it's just momentary not spinning or not present at all.
Enabling the "Show all fans (including stopped or not present)" option will always show all fans, even those not present which you can manually hide.