I don't use YOUR launcher, I use the launcher created by Portableapps.com
Well, that is where the problem lies as this is what happened. The problem started with v7.73-5370 if you read the thread:
because of the OSD which requires HWiNFO64.exe to start from anywhere under "C:\Program Files" as mentioned here:
While it might seem there's currently not much going on in terms of new features in HWiNFO, the opposite is true. We're heavily working on a new much demanded feature - a fully integrated On-Screen Display (OSD) / overlay. This feature allows displaying any value from HWiNFO on screen, in 3D...
"For the overlay to work properly, HWiNFO64 is requesting uiAccess=true so that the overlay can be shown on top of other windows including full-screen applications. This special mode is only granted to applications started from a "secure folder", which is the "Program Files" (by default C:\Program Files) folder and its sub-folders, or some folders in the \Windows path. The HWiNFO installer will automatically install HWiNFO into the "Program Files" folder, so no action should be needed. When using the Portable or Beta version of HWiNFO, it's required to manually copy HWiNFO64.EXE into such "secure" folder."
While it did not mention that HWiNFO64.EXE cannot run as a task when outside of the "C:\Program Files" area, HWiNFO64.EXE will not run as a task when outside that area because it is a uiAccess app due to the OSD function as mentioned in
https://www.hwinfo.com/forum/threads/hwinfo-v7-73-5370-beta-released.9513/post-44193 which is a Microsoft Requirement:
Learn about best practices and more for the policy setting, User Account Control Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations.
v7.73-5375 fixed this issue because in v7.73-5375, when one turrns on autostart in settings, it creates a task as well as the file HWiNFO64Launcher.exe in the same folder which is what is now run that calls HWiNFO64.exe. You do not need another launcher as HWiNFO is already portable by default since all you do is run HWiNFO64.exe manually and it will start after showing the UAC screen with all settings in the HWiNFO64.INI file.
So assuming you already have KB4474419 already installed as mentioned by Martin, there are two ways to fix this.
1) Copy the current folder to somewhere under C:\Program Files which means it can be C:\Program Files\xyz or C:\Program Files\abc\xyz\123\456 for example basically it can be in any folder under C:\Program Files and it should work correctly because all hwinfoportable.exe does is run HWiNFO64.exe, if it is elsewhere meaning somewhere outside of
C\Program Files, it will no longer work after v.7.73-5365 as hwinfoportable.exe needs to launch the file HWiNFO64Launcher.exe and not HWiNFO64.exe.
2) Do not use hwinfoportable.exe but instead run HWiNFO4.exe manually which should run, goto settings and then check the Autostart box which will create the file HWiNFO64Launcher.exe and a task scheduler task that launches HWiNFO64Launcher.exe
In my case, I wanted to try the OSD as I am on Windows 11 Pro Beta so I have it under C:\Program Files\HWiNFO\hwi_773_5385 but apparently HWiNFO64Launcher.exe is still created and HWiNFO64Launcher.exe is what is run first which calls HWiNFO64.exe so Martin can correct me if I am wrong, can HWiNFO64.exe be started directly as a task from C:\Program Files\HWiNFO\hwi_773_5385 without needing HWiNFO64Launcher.exe as it seems like Autostart creates HWiNFO64Launcher.exe so it will work in all scenarios including HWiNFO64.exe under C:\Program Files even when it isn't needed.
There is no OSD for Windows 7 according to Martin:
Sorry, I was talking about build 5375 that fixes this. Assumed all have upgraded to this meanwhile but we're here on the older 5370 thread.