latest sensor info on desktop while hwinfo still running on background

Seems like the latest versions I have this bug, when I minimize so the latest sensor I had the cursor on, it will show this info on desktop, to close it I have to get the HWinfo back in screen from background and move cursor to not a single sensor in order to make this disapeared.

Is there a way how to prevent this ? it is very anoying.



  • sadsad.png
    532.5 KB · Views: 9
Thanks! I'm usually using Dark Mode and this problem was not occurring there.
I'm working on this and will try to fix it in the next build.
Just found this post, Didn't realise there was another thread about it, I have got this issue and still with the latest version also.
I just noticed in the 7.34 release it is missing the 2nd temperature reading for hard drives is that a bug? Also the second column from the left has the cells randomly changing to a blue colour
V 7.34 should be showing one more NVMe temperature. The blue border denotes a changing value, which can be turned off.