Hi again, I'm noticing some strange PROCHOT behaviour on a Supermicro system with AMD Genoa (same one as in this topic). The sensor readings "Thermal Throttling (HTC) and Thermal Throttling (PROCHOT CPU)" appear to be incorrect. At around 45°C core temperature the value changes from No to Yes, but no actual throttling occurs.
To verify the value I booted to Ubuntu and tried the e_smi_tool from AMDs EPYC System Management Interface Library (https://github.com/amd/esmi_ib_library) which has a "showprochotstatus" option. Using this tool the prochotstatus is always "inactive", even if the core temperature is far above or below 45 degrees.

The specs of the system are as follows, and attached is a reportfile and debug log.
HWiNFO64 7.46
Motherboard: Supermicro Super H13SSW
OS: Windows Server 2022
If any more info is required or if I'm interpreting this wrong, just let me know.
To verify the value I booted to Ubuntu and tried the e_smi_tool from AMDs EPYC System Management Interface Library (https://github.com/amd/esmi_ib_library) which has a "showprochotstatus" option. Using this tool the prochotstatus is always "inactive", even if the core temperature is far above or below 45 degrees.

The specs of the system are as follows, and attached is a reportfile and debug log.
HWiNFO64 7.46
Motherboard: Supermicro Super H13SSW
OS: Windows Server 2022
If any more info is required or if I'm interpreting this wrong, just let me know.