RTX 2080 TI VRM Temperature/Fan Frozen


New Member
Hey Martin,

I found a weird bug after upgrading to a 2080 ti from a 1080 ti. The VRM temperature/fan report in the list is frozen. I'm not sure if it is my GPU or your program however. It worked fine from when I got the card last week until now. Not sure what changed. I updated my drivers like 2 days ago and that didn't make a difference.

I saw there was another post about someone else having this issue from March of 2019 so it looks like it's a known issue.

EDIT: OH and the temperature/fan readout only shows what the temps/fan is at startup and then stops. Everything else updates in real time.
First please try to reset preferences in main settings of HWiNFO if that will help.
If not, please attach a screenshot of the sensors screen with the faulty values and the HWiNFO Debug File for analysis.
I was actually able to resolve it. I was in the process of OCing my 2080 ti and it looks like a display driver crash and recovery was able to fix the issue with the VRM sensor and updating in real time.

Found it bizarre but hey, if it works.

Thanks for getting back on this Martin. Your program is the best!