First let me thank you for a truly spectacular program
. It's just what i was looking for considering when i start to play World of Warcraft [Very processor dependent] after a short bit of time my fan starts running loudly and i drop major frames; this is because my processor begins to heat up substantially. Everything was going fine, until i wanted to make it so that as soon as my laptop starts up the fan would kick in at full power to keep my laptop as cool as possible. These are the steps i am taking to do so: 1: I click on the fan icon at the bottom of the sensors list to bring up the RPM scrolly thingy. 2: I click the custom option so that i can make it turn on when either of my processors are at 0 degrees. However, this is when my troubles begin. When i click the first dropdown box to choice which piece of hardware to reference off of, then click my first core, it tells me that the "sensory/temperature reading is disabled for this device". It also tells me that i need to enable it in the sensory options?? I am not sure if what i am doing is wrong, but bottom line i am curious about why my cores are not being monitored for temperature. If you could help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated!!
PS: I have a Dell Latitude D830 with a "Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T9300 2.5 GHz" processor.

PS: I have a Dell Latitude D830 with a "Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T9300 2.5 GHz" processor.