Voltage Differences between programs


The below screenshot shows the differences in voltage readings using CPUID Hardware Monitor v1.15 and HWiNFO32 v3.50-715. I have also tried Everest Ultimate Edition v5.50.2100 and it reflects readings that are similar to CPUID Hardware Monitor. I have also tried HWM BlackBox 2.0 and it reflects readings similar to HWiNFO32. I tested my power supply using a voltage meter and it showed the 12v output to be 12.22v. It is puzzling to see different programs showing different values for the voltages. Not sure which program has accurate readings.


  • System Sensors.gif
    System Sensors.gif
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Thanks for your report. Your mainboard's sensor readings need to be adjusted in HWiNFO32.
Please submit additional information (HWiNFO32 Report + Debug File + BIOS Sensors Screenshot/photo) and then I can fix it.
See this thread http://www.hwinfo.com/forum/Thread-IMPORTANT-Read-this-before-submitting-a-report for how to get that information.

Daedelous said:
The below screenshot shows the differences in voltage readings using CPUID Hardware Monitor v1.15 and HWiNFO32 v3.50-715. I have also tried Everest Ultimate Edition v5.50.2100 and it reflects readings that are similar to CPUID Hardware Monitor. I have also tried HWM BlackBox 2.0 and it reflects readings similar to HWiNFO32. I tested my power supply using a voltage meter and it showed the 12v output to be 12.22v. It is puzzling to see different programs showing different values for the voltages. Not sure which program has accurate readings.
Attached is the zip file with the two files requested. Not really sure how to get a screen capture of the Bios sensors, I have no camera. From what I have seen the bios sensor screen is similar to what CPUID Hardware Monitor and Everest have displayed regarding the values for voltages.


Thanks for the additional data. Could you please just write down the values from BIOS and send me that?
Daedelous said:
Attached is the zip file with the two files requested. Not really sure how to get a screen capture of the Bios sensors, I have no camera. From what I have seen the bios sensor screen is similar to what CPUID Hardware Monitor and Everest have displayed regarding the values for voltages.
Here is the limited amount of voltage readings listed in my bios screen.

PC Health Status

CPU Vcore--------1.368 V
3.3V--------------3.296 V
5V----------------4.970 V
12V--------------11.968 V
Below is a screenshot showing cpuid hwm and hwinfo32 3.50-722 build that you linked. Hope this helps. I do still notice some voltages are showing different values. Don't know if that really is an issue or not. It would be nice if the manufactures of these chips that monitor system voltages and such would give more information to application developers for proper readings.


  • 3.50-722.gif
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Thanks. Important is information displayed by BIOS or mainboard manufacturer's system monitoring tool. So if you compare the latests outputs, HWiNFO32 values are almost correct. The other voltages VIN4-6 are not important, since these values might be just bogus (not connected) or of unknown meaning.
The problem with sensors are not system health monitoring chips itself. It's the lack of a standard that would describe what inputs are connected to what real voltage rails (the same for temperatures and fans). So every mainboard manufacturer uses its own method of connection and configuration for each mainboard and there's no generic way how to determine this. Mostly only the BIOS or a mainboard manufacturer's tool know how it's really connected. Other tools like HWiNFO32 need to adjust all readings for every particular mainboard in order to get correct results. And that's what I did now for your mainboard. It's a really hard job, because there are so many models...
Daedelous said:
Below is a screenshot showing cpuid hwm and hwinfo32 3.50-722 build that you linked. Hope this helps. I do still notice some voltages are showing different values. Don't know if that really is an issue or not. It would be nice if the manufactures of these chips that monitor system voltages and such would give more information to application developers for proper readings.
I just thought of something regarding motherboards and their bios. Maybe there is a way to get the actual information needed from the bios file itself. I would imagine using some hex editor or such would be needed. But since you made the comment about each motherboards bios having the right information about what voltage and temps are attached to what sensor. That could be a possible way to get the needed info so your program can display the correct info and hopefully making it easier for you when you make the adjustments to the program.