Hwinfo 7.06 and all pervious version not showing vrm value especially power value and vrm temp on asus hd7970 dcu2 gpu, in aida64 program it show no problem, note that aida64 "gpu core" and "gpu vrm" is different, "gpu core" show vid command signal voltage where "gpu vrm" show realtime sensor reading output of gpu core voltage from vrm. I already try posible setting on hwinfo, latest amd driver possible like 21.5.2 nothing work. Im using alot driver 21.3.1whql driver because most stable for me hehe.
I hope hwinfo still support old hardware like am using lol.
And please hwinfo could show direct api program it show on rtss, i love using rtss combine with hwinfo in game, rarely use afterburner because lack many hw reading and customizable.
Thank You.

I hope hwinfo still support old hardware like am using lol.
And please hwinfo could show direct api program it show on rtss, i love using rtss combine with hwinfo in game, rarely use afterburner because lack many hw reading and customizable.
Thank You.