High Temperature (95C) on Temperature 4 sensor in HwInfo true or false reading ?


New Member
Hi i used HwInfo64 and noticed i got a very high temperature reading is this a false reading or true temperature, can someone help me get to the bottom of it please ?

Motherboard: gigabyte z170 hd3 ddr3: https://www.gigabyte.com/ro/Motherboard/GA-Z170-HD3-DDR3-rev-10#ov

And here is a screen of the sensor page:


Edit: with HwMonitor for example i only get 4 temperature readings, which seem to be the same ones as listed by hwinfo as: system, cpu, vrm and temperature 6.
That's most likely an invalid readout from a not connected sensor input.
Thank you very much, i even tried undervolting and opening the case to see if something changes but it always hovers between 90-99c, so it is probably a bad read out.