Is it possible to have 2 instances ?


New Member
Hi, im new to these forums but been a long time user of this amazing piece of software, so thank you to the Devs.

With the release of Ryzen 9000 and MSI afterburner not supporting them, app no longer being developed, ive taken to using HWInfo RTSS OSD instead, however to make it look familiar ive renamed some of the sensors so that they are more recognisable / familiar in games to how MSi afterburner used to display them.

the only downside to that of course is they are no longer so easily recognisable in HWInfo monitoring panel, so it it possible to have 2 instances installed on the same PC, maybe 1 portable and one installed ?

Like launch the portable version for OSD and gaming with adjusted sensor names and have the installed version for stock sensor names and monitoring ?

Ive tried this myself and for some reason, they are both showing the same adjusted sensor names, is there a config file somewhere I can adjust to get them to display differently ?

So ive attached a couple of picts so you can see what I mean.


  • OSD.jpg
    64.6 KB · Views: 4
  • Port version.jpg
    Port version.jpg
    268.9 KB · Views: 4
  • Installed Version.jpg
    Installed Version.jpg
    261.8 KB · Views: 4
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Multiple profiles for settings are planned... For the time being this could be realized by creating 2 different configurations and simple scripts.
Since HWiNFO stores these settings in registry, you'd have to create one configuration and save it via "Backup User Settings" into a .reg file. Similarly create another one and save.
Then using some simple scripting/batch files you could implement switching between configurations by importing a set before launching HWiNFO.
Multiple profiles for settings are planned... For the time being this could be realized by creating 2 different configurations and simple scripts.
Since HWiNFO stores these settings in registry, you'd have to create one configuration and save it via "Backup User Settings" into a .reg file. Similarly create another one and save.
Then using some simple scripting/batch files you could implement switching between configurations by importing a set before launching HWiNFO.

Thank you for your time, that worked perfectly, just renamed the reg folder to HWiNFO_OLD then reopened and it was at defaults, which created a new reg folder, i'll just have to live with having to go in and change them when I want to use the OSD for now.