LCD Smartie plug-in for HWiNFO

Ill give a piece of advice if theres anyone here using windowsXP (like i am for a retro gaming pc)

hwinfo needs .net 4, especially if you use the lcdsmartie win32 plugin for lcd displays, please dont blame the aurthor of this software if it locks up your machine.

Net framework 4 on XP has 8 bugs that can render the pc unusable after its booted, for several minutes internet connectivity and system folders are inaccessible, even the start menu/windows explorer can crash, for this reason i highly recommend you install every update for .net4 you can find on the windows update catalog site, xp .net 4

Alternatively what i use is a minitool that a russian geezer made to update your xp installation, as extended xp Point of service (POS) support ended in 2019 the default windows automatic updates wont work,
Ive attached the 3 files here in this zip, everthings legit no worries, it uses the microsoft update agent to run, one installed you can either use the control panel automatic updates icon, or the minitool in the zip, the tool will list every update available from microsoft for windowsXP including any drivers etc, (optional)

1. install the microsoft update agent then reboot
2. merge the registry entry, (this removes the default update server from windows and replaces it with the WSUS server)= (windows server updates server)
3. either run the minitool or the control panels default "automatic updates"
4. done

I have scanned with trend micro housecall and norton, but you should always scan for viruses yourself too!
hope you find this useful.

EDIT: this site wont let me upload the microsoft update agent file as its too large but heres the link for it from Techpowerup: the two other files are in the zip below.



I've downgraded to HWiNFO 6.42 to use this. Any possibility it can get the Rainmeter-treatment and work with v7+ without requiring a Pro sub?
Not sure if author of the existing plugin is still active and could modify it. Otherwise someone else needs to write a new one.