Thank you for your kind words
(and thanks for Martin to making the HWiNFO in the first place, I had to do PromDapter because the alternatives providing Prometheus-output were insufficient metric/sensorwise).
I have some roadmap to improve PromDapter, but it has worked bit too well (not much issues) for me, that I haven't had the real need to touch it myself.
The PromDapter is designed to be(come) extendable, finishing the model is also on that said roadmap; I can extend it also to provide some solid extension to provide JSON directly, and with some sane way to customize/extend it, if you want.
So let me know if there's something I can help you with

I have some roadmap to improve PromDapter, but it has worked bit too well (not much issues) for me, that I haven't had the real need to touch it myself.
The PromDapter is designed to be(come) extendable, finishing the model is also on that said roadmap; I can extend it also to provide some solid extension to provide JSON directly, and with some sane way to customize/extend it, if you want.
So let me know if there's something I can help you with