in tray i see same numbers, like previous
idlike to see different, best test are 5 seconds with interval 0.5s in 10 tests
this test tell me what is most used GHz
1. 0,5 / 2. 1,1 / 3. 1,1 / 4. 1,1 / 5. 2,2
6. 2,2 / 7. 2,2 / 8. 2,2 / 9. 1,1 / 10. 1,1
procesor have steps 3 550, 1100, 2200 (my adjustments with k10stat)
(550+1100+1100+2200*4+1100*2)/10=1485 nearest is 1100 then i see in tray number 1,1
i understand its may be as fake number for someone, but we are people we dont so fast like computers
similar alrgoritm use aida