
New Member
Hello i have question

so my VR VCC TEMPERATURE (SVID) now goes to like max 14-15c

if i am not GAMING this dont even apper in hwinfo,when i start gaming after few min this apper on hwinof and show like 11c after like 1h of gaming,the vr vcc temp goes to like max 15c,when i close the game,after few sec this sensor on hwinfo goes gray,as i se this starting to happend after i replace my stock intel cooler,before i have stock intel 12th gen cooler,and the cpu temp was going to like 75-80c now with this cooler to like max 60c,but with stock old cooler thank god i have photo this the temp of vr vcc was going to max like 33c after like 40min of gaming... why? what happend? any help? thanks
Most likely that VRM controller doesn't provide reliable temperature or requires some offset.
offset? can i do somthing to get this temp again to show?
what to do?
is this problem?

idk why this even happend,as i say with old stock cooler vr vcc termp was showing like 33c and yes the cpu temp itself was like 15-20c hotter,but with this cooler now NO,it dosent show up,when i star gaming its show but to like 15c max,when i stop gaming it goes gray.. help pls