DeadLock while Analyzing Devices (Win 10)


Currently im running in some sort of deadlock while using HWINFO. Everytime im starting the programm it crashes while Analyzing Devices . Any sugesstions how to solve this ?. This also leads to the problem that the thread goes inaktive and refuses any interaction with the taskmanager so only a restart solves that issu.


This is a very odd issue, it happens while HWiNFO queries basic information about your fixed drive. It might be a problem in Windows 10, is this drive working properly ?
If you open the Device Manager in Windows and check your drive, are you able to list all properties under the "Details" tab ?
Well you are right this seems to be an issue with win 10.I tried to access the details tab and it crashed :/ But I can still access the drive and crystal disk info said everything is good.So im guessing its an driver issue. Anyway some sort of timeout for registered drives would be nice just as a tipp :D


MfG jan
CrystalDiskInfo queries different information (low-level) only, but HWiNFO requires also information similar to Device Manager.
This is definitively an issue of Windows 10 or the driver.
Hmmm i replaced the Sata-cabel and tried the Western-Digital test tool but nothing brings any result why its not wokring correctly. I hate win 10.I can access data from the drive + its correctly shown in the drive selection of windows.
Unfortunately I don't know what advice to give you, perhaps trying to upgrade the storage driver might help.
Windows 10 is still full of bugs, I have already seen dozes of all kinds of issues... Yesterday I was wondering why one of my crunching machines is running out of memory. After extensive examination, I found the Windows Defender in Windows 10 is eating all memory. That's just one recent example...
Wow it is not limited to the drive. After removing it the problem occures with another drive. So it is definitly related to Windows 10.
I mean the reading from harddrive sensors. I dont need them anyway and there is some sort of setting under safty but it doesnt change anything.