LogViewer for HWINFO is available !

Hi Tom,
All understood.

I will simply add a teaser :)
Personally I will never need to use this software at a greater extend.
I am now capable to compare entire system thermals, all seasons of a year (when gaming) = under max stress.
I did use the filename as environmental temperature marker.


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New Version 6.3

Hi all, I built a version 6.3 with the following new features:
  • "Selfie-Mode" for better screenshots
  • Category ComboBoxes have now color-markers on the left side
  • Screenshot functionality improved

A new mode especially for screenshots/documentation. The selection controls are hidden and a special header is displayed. By default, the header shows the name of the logfile (without folder and extension), but the header can be edited. Click in the header and edit the displayed text if needed.

Single File - Multiple Categories: color-markers are at diagram categories


Multiple Files - Single Category: color-markers are at filenames (editable)


The easiest way to get a display like above is to use the hotkey "Ctrl+Tab". It does two things: toggles the selfie-mode and hides the main-header. If you use the selfie-mode CheckBox, you can hide the main-header manually (hotkey "Alt+h").

Category ComboBoxes with color-markers
Kiriakos had a good idea to improve the user interface, especially for identifying the colors used in the charts. So from now on there are color markers on the left side of the category ComboBoxes:


Screenshot functionality improved
Simply explained: when a screenshot is created with the camera icon, the selfie-mode is automatically activated before the file is created and automatically deactivated afterwards. The created file shows the view in selfie-mode.

Special thanks for inspiration and beta-testing to
@Kiriakos-GR @SpeedyIV and Nate

Hope you enjoy the new features

Download - Generic Log Viewer - Version 6.3
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Even new version has one issue, about the screenshot feature, this working properly only when Windows AERO desktop this is active.
At Windows classic desktop, and or Win 7 standard desktop (64 bit), save file window it will appear within the screenshot.

Tom, it is better now than before, this is a fact. :)
Thank you for your tool.

I encountered the error "Error occurred ! Sorry, log-file doesn't contain any timing information -> check your HWINFO logging configuration !" that is mentioned in post #130, because the CSV Item Separator in HWiNFO64 settings was a semicolon ( ; ) instead of a comma ( , ).

I do not remember if I changed this setting manually or if it was automatically set this way due to the computer's locale (French/France), but I believe it would be helpful if you explicitly asked to check this particular setting in the error message.
because the CSV Item Separator in HWiNFO64 settings was a semicolon ( ; ) instead of a comma ( , ).

I have encounter this compatibility issue several times, last time was two years ago with a software developer from Japan.
The quick fix this is changing your system setting.


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NEW Wish list, when Tom finds some time so to invest on it.
As Godfather of this idea I will name it as moving marker.
The same functionality of mouse-over-graph = actual value of measurement, it could be shown at points that horizontal axis crossing with vertical axis.

At my example below ... GA-Z87X-UD5H CPU Mosfet makes use of 55W when gaming, and at the same time my advanced CPU cooler keeps the temperature at just 40C (20C ambient).
At specific time-line point 1H 27Min, 55W along 40C they could appear at the cross point over the graph. At 1080P screen resolution, the software can deliver detail at the most of three graphs.
My example, this using now two graphs with single category at its one.


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Hi Kiriakos,

back from my Easter vacation, here are a few comments on your new feature request. BTW, the idea is not new, in the German ComputerBase forum there was such a request already in 2020, besides, something similar already exists when selecting a time window of a logfile. However, it's not so easy to implement
  • a vertical line spanning several diagrams usually does not always show 100% the same time in a diagram. This depends on the number of digits of the values of the y-axis. See screenshot below, 00:00 does not start at the same horizontal position
  • it will also not work with the "Two-colums" mode, there are two vertical lines needed

If at all, it will probably only work this way: each diagram gets its own vertical line, which are all moved synchronously with "one global slider". That would be feasible, but not in the next days. As usual after a release, I'm taking a break on programming for now .... but I will have a look at it.
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Hi Tom,
We are both from the people, not afraid new challenges.
Here is a sample, so this to drive your own inspiration. ;)


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New Version 6.4

Hi all, I built a version 6.4 with the following new features:
  • "Marker-Mode", which allows precise determination of every single log value
  • Added support of single concatenated header logfile



When the marker mode is activated and the mouse pointer is moved into the area of a diagram, a vertical purple marker line appears which follows the mouse pointer until the first mouseclick. After that, the vertical line can be reset by a another mouseclick or moved by means of arrow keys as follows:
  • - 10 log values: Shift + left arrow key
  • - 1 log value: left arrow key
  • + 1 log value: right arrow key
  • +10 log values: Shift + right arrow key
Please do not be surprised if the individual marker lines are not all perfectly aligned horizontally (like above), this is due to the possible different labeling of the Y-axis (width). The exact timestamp of the currently selected log value and its value is always displayed next to the maximum value of the selected category.

Again a big thank you for inspiration and beta-testing to
@Kiriakos-GR and @SpeedyIV

Like always: hope you enjoy the new features

Download - Generic Log Viewer - Version 6.4
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Here is a tip for the ones called as heavy users of GLV, (the ones working with four diagrams), at desktop AERO mode, you may select Auto-hide at windows taskbar.
This helps its diagram to appear as having larger real estate = more detail.

I do own and or have work with lots of software in the past 25 years, GLV this simile more to a frame as graphic user interface, than regular windowed software.
This might explain of why this has a greater compatibility at desktop AERO, and much less with windows classic desktop.
Taking automatic screenshot along marker tool, both working at AERO active mode only.

Thanks to the work of Martin and of Tom, I did become capable to send to trash a pile of single utilities and to consider as keepers HWiNFO along GLV.
Naturally I would be unable to appreciate any software no matter of how well this is written, if I was not insist getting the top dollar of the year 2013, the GA-Z87X-UD5H, Gigabyte does not mention clearly that only their top dollar (full size) motherboards, they come along with a rich amount of sensors too.

The combination of High End motherboard, along with quality sensors monitor software, it gives you the upper hand to properly evaluate, the electrical behaviour of your CPU, and even evaluate CPU cooling system performance, and or your PC case cooling performance.
I am personally looking forwards to evaluate my latest PC configuration at the hottest days of the Greek summer, so far my PC this has an exceptional behaviour regarding thermals.
Hi Tom! Thanks for your great tool. I have only one suggestion - High DPI support. It's still usable but it could be much better.


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Hi ultimopagad,

looking at your sceenshot it looks more like a low DPI problem :cool: . But I think you have a laptop with a high DPI screen and use a scaling > 100% in the Windows settings (?)
The Generic Log Viewer is optimized for native resolutions >= Full HD (1920 x 1080 at 100%). If you use e.g. WQHD (2560 x 1440) with 200% skaling, your optical resolution is "only" 1280 x 720, which is then obviously too little for the GLV.

Some tips:
  • many commands can be invoked with hotkeys, press F1 to see a list of them
  • for the "final graphic" it's recommended to use the "Selfie Mode" (Ctrl+Tab) with optional hiding of the header (Alt+H)
  • if you take a screenshot by clicking on "camery symbol" or typing Hotkey "Alt+C", Selfie Mode is automatically actived/deactivated before/after screenshot
    (sorry, typical hotkey "PRTSC" unfortunately doesn't work)
Hope I could help a little bit
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Hi ultimopagad,

looking at your sceenshot it looks more like a low DPI problem :cool: . But I think you have a laptop with a high DPI screen and use a scaling > 100% in the Windows settings (?)
The Generic Log Viewer is optimized for native resolutions >= Full HD (1920 x 1080 at 100%). If you use e.g. WQHD (2560 x 1440) with 200% skaling, your optical resolution is "only" 1280 x 720, which is then obviously too little for the GLV.

Some tips:
  • many commands can be invoked with hotkeys, press F1 to see a list of them
  • for the "final graphic" it's recommended to use the "Selfie Mode" (Ctrl+Tab) with optional hiding of the header (Alt+H)
  • if you take a screenshot by clicking on "camery symbol" or typing Hotkey "Alt+C", Selfie Mode is automatically actived/deactivated before/after screenshot
    (sorry, typical hotkey "PRTSC" unfortunately doesn't work)
Hope I could help a little bit
Thanks for the tips. I have full-hd display with 125% scaling in windows settings.
Hi Tom,
Single diagram , duration 01:26:42, Time values are extremely compacted in a single line, while TIME description takes over valuable space.

This is X/Y axis, I would suggest text of Time to appear once before 00:00 value, and two rows of the graphic interface to be available to display time, as it was and before.
Time 00:00 ----- 00:20
------------00:10------ 00:30 etc etc
Hi Kiriakos,

unfortunately, I have no influence on the numbering of the X or Y axis. Whether the numbers are close together or far apart, the graphics library takes care of that automatically. Reduce the duration e.g. to 1:20:00, the numbering will be different. Sorry, that's out of my control. The used free graphic library (developed by Microsoft) has some limitations. Commercial libraries (like SciChart) deliver more possibilites, but a developer license cost approx 2'000$ per year ... too much for a free project :(.

"as it was before": I did no change on that in the last versions (years). There is also no influence possible if times are populated in one or two rows.
