I have a malfunctioning pc so I decided to remotely record its voltages and temperatures via HWiNFO. Exactly 12 hours and 5 seconds in, my logging instance popped up a notice saying that shared memory is limited to 12 hours. The remote sensors got greyed out and now it's just logging the same frozen values. The remote host is still up and has been sitting idle all this time. The monitoring connection says it's still 'Connected'.
I have 'shared memory support' disabled (the default), so I don't know why that 12hour notice appeared.
I have checked what little info there is on the website, and it doesn't explicitly state that remote monitoring is also limited to 12 hours; it only mentions a host limit.
I have 'shared memory support' disabled (the default), so I don't know why that 12hour notice appeared.
I have checked what little info there is on the website, and it doesn't explicitly state that remote monitoring is also limited to 12 hours; it only mentions a host limit.